Training in Maezato no tekko at the Arizona Hombu dojo in Mesa |
Tekko (鉄甲). Tekko is sometimes spelled ‘tecchu’ is known as Okinawan ‘knuckle dusters’, have a North America equivalent known as ‘brass knuckles’. If you decide to train with the North American version, it is best not to ‘horse’ around and get on the wrong side of the law. Brass knuckles have been outlawed in some states and some countries just like nunchaku - so learn about local laws.
The origin of tekko is not clear but it appears to have been an accessory found in stables of Okinawa. There are many varieties of tekko and one simple variety is a horseshoe or modified horseshoe. As a horseshoe, the curvature (‘U’) of the shoe was placed in the palm of the hand with two ends projected outward. The curve was usually wrapped in a rag or rope to give the defender gripping capability. Modifications included sharpened horseshoe tips, while others were made from two horseshoes tied together.
Some varieties of tekko at the Arizona Hombu |
Another variety of tekko originated from stirrups of a saddle. Many traditional tekko look similar to Western-style saddle stirrups, rather than stirrups used by Japanese samurai. In its simplest form, a tekko made from a horse stirrup (abumi) would have been a D-shaped tool that wrapped around a hand. As these evolved, stubs and sharpen protrusions were added to the arch to deliver greater damage. These types of tekko were made from metal and wood and the hand grip was used in striking and blocking. Another tekko was made by fishermen from a tool that assisted in hauling in fishing nets so coral would not tear their hands.
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Using tekko to defend against knife attack |
There are modern versions of tekko, such as the ninja keychain tekko and the car key tekko. In the hands of a martial artist, tekko can be a very effective weapon of self-defense for blocking, striking and pressure point activation. But few US martial arts schools include tekko in their curriculum; however, most schools affiliated with Juko Kai International train with tekko due to the teachings of Dai Soke Sacharnoski. Then there is the tekko-kagi, a farming implement used to reap weeds and considered to be more of a ninjutsu weapon. The tekko-kagi included four iron spikes that looked more like a bear claw attached to a metal ring which fit around a person’s wrist. Some of these are wicked-looking tools.
In the following video, two students at the Arizona Hombu in Mesa, Arizona, train with tekko and apply the Okinawan tools to bunkai of Pinan Nidan kata.
In the following video, two students at the Arizona Hombu in Mesa, Arizona, train with tekko and apply the Okinawan tools to bunkai of Pinan Nidan kata.
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